Cell phone insurance: see tips to avoid losses

You've probably heard of someone having their cell phone stolen. Therefore, people are increasingly looking for insurance for their cell phone. There are some ways to obtain this value to secure the object most used by Brazilians. To give you an idea, there are more cell phones being used than people in Brazil. In this way, the chances of robbery and loss of the device become higher, especially with the increase in the number of crimes.

The loss, however, may represent something that cannot be recovered. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with the problem. Some insurance, for example, costs less than R$ 100.00 per month. In other words, you end up having financial protection for less than R$ 3.30 each day. To this end, people who want to have a form of financial protection for their cell phone should think about whether they are willing to purchase the protection service.

And how about being able to invest in this type of financial security strategy in your own bank? What if you could have financial returns and, at the same time, be able to provide a guarantee that, if something bad happens to your device, you won't be at a loss? By reading this article, you will find out about these and other questions about insurance for mobile devices. Good reading.

Getting cell phone insurance is a way out of financial problems. Photo: Reproduction.

How to invest in cell phone insurance?

Firstly, what you should choose before counting on insurance is knowing what options you have. In other words, which banks can offer good protection and, at the same time, ideal for your lifestyle. As you saw before, you can get insurance with an investment that adds to your assets. This way, you protect yourself against an unforeseen event, such as a robbery or theft, and start making profits too.

If you receive the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS), there are ways to make this money more useful to you. One way to achieve this is to look at a simple plan, such as fall protection. That's right: you can take out insurance to avoid losing money due to cell phone crashes. Of course, there are also more sophisticated financial protection plans, which expand the amount of security you can generate for your smartphone.

The most respected insurance companies on the market guarantee protection for risks involving accidents, physical damage such as impacts from cars and other types of vehicles, among others. This list also includes fire, theft and damage caused by water or other liquids. However, remaining cautious and carefully reading the rules involved avoids headaches. Even more so if the insurance does not protect against possible falls or the purchase period that the plan intends to cover.

Conditions for cell phone insurance: find out how to see the details

There is even the option of going to the insurance company, or accessing the company's website to see more details. When you do this, see if you can see what the institution has to offer from the cell phone you have. In other words, you should also consider the type of your device, as well as its model. Additionally, people can see a simulation involving policies. Therefore, extra plans are also an option to consider.

Afterwards, the system will require expenses that can reduce the burden of taxes that may be in the protection plan. They are called deductible expenses, always provided by the people who declare the tax in full. Therefore, the electronic form contains insurance for mobile devices, number of dependents, alimony, private pension (income obtained from non-public retirement) and the insurance booklet.

The minimum maturity for the plan you are going to place on your cell phone can be at least 5 years. Furthermore, people can make small contributions to this type of investment, without so much financial risk. In addition portability It is another type of personalization in relation to insurance. Seeing what happens to your life and changing the way you want to invest is important in the simulator.

One of the possibilities to obtain a reduction is to rely on the cell phone commission, which is responsible for the rented place. This is guaranteed to be valid, as the profit counts as the amount received from the rent. Furthermore, possible insurance and condominium fees are guaranteed to make the final bill smaller and increase the amount that the bank can earn. To do this, enter these expenses as “payments made”.

After choosing protection, what can I do to avoid losses?

As you saw, the choice of the plan will always be related to what it covers. Whether due to breakage or theft or any theft that may occur, protection is always viable. To escape the losses that may happen to you, there are some strategies, but the best thing is to have a recovery plan. protection. If you afford enough resources, you can be safer and avoid having to spend money buying an even more expensive device in the future.

About the author

Jefferson Tafarel

Finance journalist for Dicade.com.

Reviewed by

Glenda Ribeiro