Investment: tips and what you need to know

Having knowledge about how to manage your money with investment lessons benefits you in various areas of your life. People who seek to learn about managing their resources gain more control. Therefore, controlling accounts, quality of life and realizing dreams and objectives become easier to execute and achieve.

This way, when an emergency happens or when people really need a product, there is more financial security. A crucial tip for this is to have some reserve of the amounts you receive every month. Likewise, an emergency fund is a big plus.

In this article, you will understand these and other ways of seeing what to do to improve your savings. In fact, here you will also understand how to preserve some value from your minimum wage, in addition to knowing how to deal with cards and credit/debit expenses.

Lições de investimento são ideais para manter alguma economia para projetos pessoais. Na foto: uma mão segurando várias notas de 100 e de 50 reais.
Setting aside some amount every month is the first step to maintaining some savings

Retirement, financial independence and more: investment lessons contribute to your income

On our website, you will find out more about how to properly design a private retirement project. But, in addition to this strategy, watch investment courses on YouTube and study stock titles, BDRs, LCI, etc. help to raise good forms of investment. They can become viable action plans to guarantee good money for possible projects and even a private pension.

Furthermore, growing professionally gives you more chances of accumulating income. Specializations and professional courses in the area in which you work or want to work can contribute to your own finances. In fact, studies can be a way to learn more about how interest rates work, the profitability of investments and deadlines in relation to financial issues.

In this regard, people should prioritize spending on debt, because it is more feasible to catch up on more expensive bills. On the other hand, you need to be very careful with spending on credit, due to the risk of accumulating accounts with multiple interest rates. Not only that, but having few credit cards helps increase the volume of your savings.

Expense control: what to do about investments

Firstly, you need to think about what weighs most on your budget. In other words, see what expenses are highest and what can be reduced. If you pay a lot, for example, for a TV service, one possibility is to have some streaming. Currently, people can choose to subscribe to a service with several channels and, as a bonus, have access to an on-demand entertainment service.

If there is a crisis and you need money for a plan, like owning a house, be careful. Try to look for a loan option that is viable. But, if you are able to spend a few years saving and planning better, try to take advantage of the moment to continue investing in what is necessary and reducing the heaviest expenses.

When the Income Tax (IR) refund arrives, the focus must be on your investment. So, if you declare income tax, you have to be aware of expenses which has a bearing on the tax debt. For example, health expenses, school fees and pensions are types of expenses that can be deducted from the calculation basis of your declaration.

Other ways to create an emergency fund with investment

We don't know exactly how our cost of living will change in the future. Therefore, sometimes we need to rescue what was put aside for some emergency. Unforeseen circumstances are different from travel and consumer goods, because they are exceptional. Furthermore, items such as salary, extra income, benefits, food withdrawals, transportation, course expenses, among others, must be organized at the tip of a pencil, before thinking about an emergency income.

However, the main item that people should pay attention to regarding financial emergencies is their income level. With this, you can set a goal in terms of money, which includes the amount that can be set aside. Another solution is to see what goals you have, so that you can decide what is best to do with the money you have at your disposal.

Some examples of investments frequently recommended to create a reserve: Selic treasury; CDB, LCI and LCA with day-to-day liquidity; fixed income or DI funds*.

Extra: how do I find out the amount of tax due?

Knowing what amount you will pay with IR helps you know what will be paid and what you will receive. Therefore, simulating tax allows you to save money more responsibly. Therefore, the very IRS There is a tool that lets taxpayers know how much tax will be deducted from their earnings.

Therefore, users can calculate the discount amount in installments paid to IR, in addition to knowing the total paid per year. On the platform, people who declare taxes place all their income that is subject to tax. In other words, from salary income, retirement and even renting a property.

Next, you must fill in the information about the expenses that are deducted from income tax, which you have already seen here. From that point on, you just need to do the following calculation: taxable income any less deductible income. But, keep in mind that the amount charged will depend on the salary range you are in.

*DI is the interbank deposit, made when banks make loans to each other, so that, at the end of the day, they have a positive balance
About the author

Jefferson Tafarel

Finance journalist for

Reviewed by

Glenda Ribeiro