Fies discount: find out how to get it

Debts with the Student Financing Fund (Fies) are a headache for many people. Therefore, the Fies discount can be a sign of improvement in the lives of those who are still in default in paying monthly installments. This month, the President of the Republic approved a law that allows a reduction in the total value of up to 99%. In other words, the total accumulated debts can be deducted almost in full, easing the pockets of many people out there.

The law was published on June 22nd and is valid for overdue debts. This way, it is possible to pay what is owed even after payment has passed the due date. With the Fies discount, students will be able to pay off their debts with these discounts if they have joined the program until at least the second half of 2017. To give you an idea, the amount that can be reduced is in the range of hundreds of billions of reals.

Furthermore, five years ago, the total number of contracts involving Fies totaled 2.4 million. Nowadays, the government already has more than one million students who are in debt with financing. Therefore, the Fies discount can help reduce the risk of these people extending their debts and, in this way, having a more active participation in the economy. If you want to know how this discount will work and other details about the government's measure, read on below.

desconto no Fies
Student debts can be relieved, thanks to the discount that the government approved. Photograph:Feodora Chiosea/Getty Images/IStockphoto/Reproduction.

Amortization, delay time and other conditions on the Fies discount

But in this article, we will focus on this rate. The influence of education on business, how people's income has impacts as it changes, what to decide regarding investments, and much more can be found here. Furthermore, we will understand what Student Financing Funds (Fies) are.

In other words, create your own company, going from being just an individual to becoming a legal entity. The economic reality of those who count on this discount, therefore, can ease the burden on their bills. This is one of the benefits of amortization. In short, having a business means that, at the beginning, you will have to face customers directly. On this occasion, you must value the way you serve in a way that makes people more comfortable. That is, you have to give options on how the person will reach you and find out more about your brand.

Throughout this article, you have seen how having good service and wide-ranging advertising gives you more chances to evolve in the market. But, more and more people are forgetting to provide customers with quality education, with the Fies discount as a new possibility.

See some rules regarding the law of discounts at Fies

However, the more investments and participation she has in the fund, the more she tends to receive. In the end, the gain will depend on the number of shares that the person owns in that fund as well. To know how much the fund will yield, people who invest pay attention to the part of what can be discounted and what is expected for liquidity. Furthermore, renegotiation can be carried out by both Banco do Brasil and Caixa Econômica Federal. People who are registered in the government's Single Registry of Social Programs (CadÚnico) may have an advantage.

This condition may have greater relief, as the law allows those registered to reach more than 90% in the discount. People who are not part of the program, however, can only get a reduction of a maximum of 77%. The deadline to pay off is also different, as it is 12 years and six months. This may indicate risks and show great uncertainty within the economy. In other words, you will have to give more value to what your discount may have that doesn't have as much effect, coming from this scenario full of bad news.

Debt renegotiation: see how it works

There is also the option of long-term funds, that is, until the person who is with Fies completes their course. If your interest is not just personal gain, know that investments in crisis can also fund a children's education project, or even a plan based on discounts. It may be that in times of rising inflation it starts to have some worrying effects. Fixed income investments, it is worth remembering, also lead to dealing more calmly at a time of several economic problems.

Ultimately, the deadlines should be the focus of those who are looking for the discounts offered. Mainly because the deadline to obtain the reduction is August 31, 2022. Another condition to be observed carefully is that the debts must have a debt period of at least 360 days. It is worth remembering that counting this time takes December 30, 2021 into account, in addition to also taking into account the number of days left to pay off the debt.

About the author

Jefferson Tafarel

Finance journalist for

Reviewed by

Glenda Ribeiro