Caixa Tem app — Find out how to use this government app

The Caixa Tem app was created for emergency aid payments in 2020, but many people are not aware of the new features of this app. Being able to help millions of people when it comes to obtaining various government benefits. After all, they created the Caixa Tem app, with the aim of facilitating the withdrawal system, and it remains active to this day.

In relation to the pandemic context, the app was extremely useful, but today, Caixa still has several useful functions. And it's a way for Caixa to make its service more practical and with fewer steps. Thus, it works very similar to a Caixa digital wallet.

In this article, the reader can learn more about the Caixa Tem app and learn how to use some functions. In addition to presenting other Caixa apps with different objectives. So, anyone interested in the application should pay attention to our tips.

Caixa Tem app
Caixa Tem App (image: Reproduction – Tech Tudo)

Caixa Tem app – About the app

The Caixa Tem app came up with the idea of facilitating Brazilian citizens' access to banking transactions and services available at Caixa. Thus, seeking to break the existing bureaucracy in all banking processes, as already known by the general public. Mainly at the cash register, which is far behind some private banks.

The app is free and simple to use. It is even available in most major brand online stores. Therefore, it can be a perfect app for the user to receive salary, carry out transactions and carry out day-to-day operations. And also, take advantage of the great news that is Crédito Caixa Tem, all by downloading it on Google Play, or App Store.

In addition to everything, the user can make withdrawals, pix, digital savings and request a credit card. Everything in the palm of your hand. And it will certainly avoid stress when carrying out banking operations. The customer is satisfied and the bank will consequently earn more income.

Caixa Tem App – How to use and main functions

To start using the app, you need to register. First install the app, after transparency open then start the process. Access will be done with the CPF and the numeric password that the user will register. Finally, the customer will provide a cell phone number and confirm their identity.

Available functions:

  • Transfer
  • Deposits
  • Balance and statement
  • Shopping
  • digital card
  • Pix

Digital Savings+

It is a savings category in which transactions are made via the Caixa Tem app, with no transaction and balance limits. However, savings can only be opened by users who do not have savings of the same type or Digital Social Savings. However, the customer can change their savings account type. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that the system is exempt from monthly charges, unless the customer wants more functions than what is offered.

Caixa Tem Credit

In the Caixa Tem app, the customer can request a loan, which is intended for individual entrepreneurs and micro-entrepreneurs. Credit is a stimulus for entrepreneurship and the formalization of small businesses. In this way, Caixa sees it as an opportunity for the customer to resolve concerns about a new business or invest in the current one.

Caixa Tem credit card

An exclusive card for Caixa Tem app customers, to make purchases in cash or in installments and the order is entirely digital. This way, the user can enjoy everything that a good card offers.

Some advantages:

  • No annual fee
  • Shopping in virtual or physical stores
  • Can be used in Brazil or abroad
  • Access to the Caixa Cards application
  • Discounts on the Vai de Visa program

More CEF applications

  • Caixa Cards
  • Box
  • Cashier

Firstly, the main one is the Caixa app, similar to the Caixa Tem app. But the Caixa app performs functions similar to a conventional cashier, including lottery games. In addition, the software also carries out investments, cell phone recharge and all operations of a common bank. And all this in a practical and easy-to-use application.

Caixa also has a digital wallet, the Cartões Caixa app. A credit card system that keeps you on top of everything about your expenses. In addition, the app offers tips for customers to save money and the best dates for purchasing. Thus, being a smart and intuitive wallet for Caixa credit card users.

Caixa Trabalhador is a completely different format from other systems. It is an exclusive application for workers. Thus, it has information about benefits and worker rights. Find out everything about INSS, PIS balance, unemployment insurance and everything the user needs to know about them.

Final considerations

Caixa has several applications that make daily life easier for its customers. Therefore, in this article some doubts about the Caixa Tem app were answered. In addition, we provide some guidance regarding the available functions. See tips for other apps that may be useful in the section benefits or visit the applications tab on our website.

Finally, to answer any further questions, the customer can contact some of Caixa's own addresses.

About the author

Pedro Vinícius

Student at the Federal Rural University of Semi-Árido. Musician and football fan. Corporal R2/Brazilian Army. He is currently a writer at the Dicade portal.