Tag: Dinheiro

Reajuste de contas: veja dicas para evitar prejuízos

A inflação tem provocado um aumento nas contas domésticas. Assim, o reajuste faz a vida financeira ficar mais trabalhosa, porque as pessoas...

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Segundo filho: saiba mais sobre o lado financeiro

Criar um segundo filho é uma decisão que pode ter uma escolha bem planejada. Apesar de todo o estresse e desafios que...

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Triple withdrawal for PIS/Pasep: find out more

Having extra income is the desire of many people. The arrival of the triple withdrawal of the Social Integration Program (PIS)...

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Cell phone insurance: see tips to avoid losses

You've probably heard of someone having their cell phone stolen. Therefore, people are increasingly looking for...

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Dollar: see tips on investing in the currency

To guarantee good investments in dollars, what people are looking for is to know about the international market. But, looking at the country itself,...

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16 de June de 2022

Uncertainty in the financial market: learn how to deal with the issue

To start investing, people need to carefully measure the risks, chances of success and, above all, deal with uncertainty in the...

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15 de June de 2022

Joint account: see tips on the topic

Resolving issues between couples can be a matter of dealing with finances. Therefore, having a joint account can become a...

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June 14, 2022

Mais renda com internet: saiba mais sobre o tema

Obter mais renda é algo muito procurado por quem está vivendo um momento difícil da economia. Seja por meio de algum trabalho...

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Valuation: learn how to use this variable to invest

Understanding valuation takes you a step further in personal investments. The value of this metric can make a lot of difference. For example,...

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June 9, 2022

MEI can have a discount on car purchases: find out more

Individual micro-entrepreneurs (MEI) can buy cars at good discounts, thanks to a tax incentive policy. Not only that,...

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