Thirteenth salary calculator – Find out how to calculate

The Thirteenth Pay Calculator is a valuable tool that offers concrete solutions for workers who want to understand and optimize their thirteenth pay entitlement. Throughout the year, many Brazilian workers eagerly await this additional benefit, which represents a significant portion of their annual income. However, the calculations involved in this process can be intricate, leading to doubts about the amount to be received.

It is in this context that thirteenth calculators emerge as allies, simplifying the process and ensuring that workers receive the correct amount to which they are entitled. These thirteenth calculation apps are designed to offer a practical and efficient solution. They allow workers to enter specific information, such as base salary, overtime, commissions and deductions, to accurately calculate the value of the thirteenth. This significantly reduces the risk of calculation errors and eliminates uncertainties that may arise when trying to calculate manually.

Furthermore, many thirteenth calculators are able to reflect changes in labor laws, ensuring that calculations are always in compliance with current legislation. In this article, we will explore in detail how thirteenth calculators can be a valuable solution for workers, simplifying the calculation process and offering an accurate way to ensure that employment rights are respected. Let's examine how these tools can provide clear answers to workers' questions and contribute to a more transparent and fair working relationship.

Calculadora de Décimo Terceiro
Thirteenth Calculator (image: Google)

Advantages of Using a Thirteenth Calculator

Using a thirteenth calculator offers several significant advantages for workers and employers. Firstly, this tool simplifies an often complex calculation process, making it accessible even to those who do not have in-depth knowledge of accounting or labor legislation. This saves time and effort as calculations can be carried out quickly and accurately.

Another big advantage is the reduction of errors. Manual calculations can be prone to mistakes, which can lead to legal and financial problems. Thirteenth calculators are programmed to follow specific labor rules and regulations, ensuring that calculations are accurate and comply with current legislation. This minimizes the risk of errors that could be costly for employers or harmful to workers.

Additionally, these calculators are often updated regularly to reflect any changes in employment legislation. This is fundamental in a constantly evolving regulatory environment, such as Brazil, where the rules around the thirteenth salary can be modified. Thus, calculators ensure that calculations are always accurate and comply with current laws.

For workers, using a thirteenth calculator can provide valuable information about their financial rights and expectations throughout the year. This helps you plan expenses, save or invest more effectively, making the most of the thirteenth salary benefit.

Finally, thirteenth pay calculators promote transparency and fairness in the workplace. Both employers and employees can trust the results generated by the calculator, which reduces possible disputes or misunderstandings related to thirteenth payment.

Thirteenth calculator – How to calculate using the app

The application Labor Calculator is a highly convenient tool for calculating various aspects of labor rights, including the thirteenth salary. With its availability for both Android and iOS devices, it is accessible to a wide variety of users across Brazil.

To calculate thirteenth salary using this application, users can follow a relatively simple process. After downloading and installing the application, simply open it and select the “13th Salary” option or something similar, depending on the application interface. This will direct the user to a screen where they can enter the required information.

The application will request crucial information, such as the worker's base salary, possible overtime, commissions and any discounts. Even more important, the application will allow the user to choose between two methods of paying the thirteenth payment: single installment or monthly installments. This flexibility is essential, as each worker's preferences and needs may vary.

After filling in all the information correctly, the user can perform the calculation. The magic of the application comes into action here, automatically carrying out all the necessary calculations in accordance with current labor rules. The result, which is the estimated value of the thirteenth salary based on the information provided, will appear on the screen.

One of the most obvious advantages of this application is its ability to provide fast and accurate answers, saving time and avoiding potential manual calculation errors. However, it is important to remember that the accuracy of the results depends on the precise information provided by the user. Therefore, it is advisable that workers have their financial documents handy when using the app to ensure accurate results.

Other useful applications for workers

FGTS application (Guarantee Fund for Length of Service): The FGTS application is an essential tool for workers in Brazil. It allows easy access to information about FGTS accounts, making it possible to check balances, statements, deposits and even make withdrawals when applicable, as in the case of emergency withdrawals during the pandemic. Furthermore, the application provides updated information on payment calendars and FGTS rules, making it easier to monitor the benefits to which workers are entitled.

Caixa Trabalhador application: This application offers a variety of worker-related services, facilitating access to information about social benefits, such as unemployment insurance and salary bonuses, as well as allowing you to consult payment dates and available amounts. Workers can check their installments, monitor the progress of requests and even make appointments for in-person service at Caixa Econômica Federal branches, streamlining bureaucratic processes related to work.

Digital Work Card Application: The Digital Work Card is the electronic version of the old printed work card. The app allows workers to store all relevant information about their past and current jobs, including hire dates, salaries, contracts and vacation records. This makes it easier to access this information at any time, eliminating the need to carry a physical document. In addition, the application also allows you to request unemployment insurance and access various government services related to work, making it extremely useful for Brazilian workers.


As you can see, the Labor Calculator app is an effective tool for calculating thirteenth salary, offering a convenient and accurate way to determine labor rights. With its user-friendly interface and customizable features, it can be a valuable aid for Brazilian workers who want to better understand their financial benefits. Finally, discover other apps in the “tips” from our portal.

About the author

Glenda Ribeiro