Author: Jefferson Tafarel

Uncertainty in the financial market: learn how to deal with the issue

To start investing, people need to carefully measure the risks, chances of success and, above all, deal with uncertainty in the...

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Joint account: see tips on the topic

Resolving issues between couples can be a matter of dealing with finances. Therefore, having a joint account can become a...

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Fechando um bom negócio: veja dicas essenciais

Quando se busca realizar um novo empreendimento, fechando um acordo, ou mesmo obtendo algum empréstimo, é preciso tem um bom plano. Também,...

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Mais renda com internet: saiba mais sobre o tema

Obter mais renda é algo muito procurado por quem está vivendo um momento difícil da economia. Seja por meio de algum trabalho...

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Valuation: learn how to use this variable to invest

Understanding valuation takes you a step further in personal investments. The value of this metric can make a lot of difference. For example,...

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13 de June de 2022

Oil: how to invest your capital in this resource

Colocar seus recursos financeiros para uma commodity como petróleo pode significar um investimento bastante rentável. Apesar das altas dos barris, que preocupam...

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INSS Expertise: find out more about the topic

There are a series of problems regarding the expertise of the National Social Security Institute (INSS). With the strike of medical experts...

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June 12, 2022

Can the tax roll affect the health plan? know more

The taxing list will have some considerable impacts on people's health plans. In that regard, the decision to review how...

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June 9, 2022

Benchmark: saiba como usar a seu favor nos negócios

Investir em renda fixa e variável fica fácil se a pessoa conhece uma variedade de benchmark que existe no mercado financeiro. Tomar...

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MEI can have a discount on car purchases: find out more

Individual micro-entrepreneurs (MEI) can buy cars at good discounts, thanks to a tax incentive policy. Not only that,...

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