Author: Jefferson Tafarel

Creative economy: learn how to invest

Counting on investments in the creative economy opens up space for many profits. Knowing this, people are increasingly focused on...

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Agronegócio: veja dicas sobre investimento

Saber investir em agronegócio cria oportunidades imensas. Isso está bem explícito no percentual que o setor tem no Produto Interno Bruto (PIB)...

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Foreign currencies: check out tips on the topic

What you need to know about other countries' finances can be crucial to your finances. Seeing how the coins are...

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Decentralized finance: see how to invest

Sticking with decentralized accounts has been a good opportunity. Lately, decentralized finance has been gaining attention, as cryptocurrencies...

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Stocks: how to live on income

Certainly, you must have received some advice from your friend, or even a family investor, about stocks. In fact, the income that may be...

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June 20, 2022

Reajuste de contas: veja dicas para evitar prejuízos

A inflação tem provocado um aumento nas contas domésticas. Assim, o reajuste faz a vida financeira ficar mais trabalhosa, porque as pessoas...

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18 de June de 2022

Segundo filho: saiba mais sobre o lado financeiro

Criar um segundo filho é uma decisão que pode ter uma escolha bem planejada. Apesar de todo o estresse e desafios que...

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17 de June de 2022

Triple withdrawal for PIS/Pasep: find out more

Having extra income is the desire of many people. The arrival of the triple withdrawal of the Social Integration Program (PIS)...

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Cell phone insurance: see tips to avoid losses

You've probably heard of someone having their cell phone stolen. Therefore, people are increasingly looking for...

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16 de June de 2022

Dollar: see tips on investing in the currency

To guarantee good investments in dollars, what people are looking for is to know about the international market. But, looking at the country itself,...

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