Ame Digital – Find out how to receive free cashback

Have you heard of Ame Digital? Well, Ame is a digital wallet for you to make payments, transfers and even put credit on your cell phone. In short, it's a super simple and secure app, where you enter your details and credit card details to start enjoying the benefits.

It does not stop there! Paying with Ame you receive the famous cashback, that is, part of the money used in the purchase, back to you. With this you can then either buy more, or make transfers between Ame accounts, or top up credit on your prepaid cell phone or control.

What are you waiting for to take advantage of all these free advantages from Ame Digital? And on top of that, get cashback just for buying what you normally buy? Now access the official store for your cell phone's operating system (Google Play or Apple Store), download the app and enjoy!

Ame Digital
Ame Digital is a wallet where you can make payments, transfers and even put credit on your cell phone. (Photo: AtendimentoHoje).

What is a digital wallet?

The future has already arrived and no one doubts that. Remember the wallet you carried cash, credit cards and coins in? You can leave it at home because, from now on, you have the option of a digital wallet. In other words, you can centralize all your cards, directly on your cell phone. Simple, easy and very practical!

In other words, all the purchases that you would make with your physical wallet, you can now do only using your cell phone. But what about the Ame Digital Wallet, do you already know it? Likewise, you can register all your credit cards there and, when purchasing, just choose Ame as your payment method.

Let's assume you are browsing the internet, on a website from an Ame partner store, Shoptime, for example. You choose your product, but when you check out, you choose the Love option. Then you will open your app, scan the QR Code and your purchase is already made.

ATTENTION: You no longer need to manually enter your credit card numbers, your name, expiration date or much less the dangerous 3-digit security code. So, can you see how it's safer and easier?

But what is actually the cashback?

Wash = money and Back = back. It is the possibility of using part of the money from your purchase, back, however you want. Perhaps, out of all these years, cashback is the smartest way to save. It is also a new way of shopping. And how does Ame Digital come into this whole story?

You receive cashback for all your purchases made with the Ame app. Then you use this money to make new purchases with Ame's partner stores. Cashback has already become an addiction in the market! In other words, people are dying to make their purchases and get money back.

And you know what’s even “crazier”? With the value of your cashback, you receive more cashback! Take a look: Let's say you bought a cell phone, then, with the cashback value, you can buy a watch, for example. When the watch cashback comes in, you can use it to buy a book and so on!

How to win cashback paying with Ame Digital?

Making a common purchase like fuel, for example, and getting part of your money back is perfectly possible. This is the famous cashback! And how does cashback work at Ame Digital? Let's explain it by example, so you can see how easy it is! Buying with Ame Digital in partner stores:

  • American stores;
  • Shoptime;
  • Submarine;
  • I'm Cheap;
  • And others, for example,

You will always receive some cashback. Cash back can come in 5%, 25% and, in some cases, up to 100% depending on the partnership level of that purchase. That's why it's important to always pay attention to the price to know how much you will receive back for that purchase.

Also, did you make your purchase? Run to the app because it will be there, both the value of your purchase and the cashback value. This amount will be added to your Ame Digital account within 30 days. By the way, it doesn't expire! In other words, you can use it whenever you want, without worrying about an expiration date or expiration date.

How to pay with Ame Digital?

Still have some doubts, but do you really want to pay with Ame? is here to help you. When you are making a purchase on your home computer, you will make your choice as you always have. In short, use your own criteria and select the way you like.

You will choose the product, add it to the cart and, when you finish, you will choose the “pay with love” option on the website itself. Once you do this, a QR Code. Therefore, you will open the app on your cell phone and scan the code. After completing your purchase, the following options will appear in the app:

  • Pay by credit card;
  • Buy with an account balance; or
  • Use both (Balance + Card).

Paying with your cell phone, the process is similar. Choose the product, when you select Ame as a payment method, you will be automatically redirected to the app. So, from there, the choices on how to pay are exactly the same as those mentioned above: Credit card, wallet balance or both combined.

Lojas Americanas (physical store)

To pay with Ame Digital at Lojas Americanas, when you arrive at the checkout with everything you wanted to buy, you will open your app and, on the main screen, select the “Pay” option, which is the heart logo in the center in the app footer. Then a second screen, with a black background, will appear.

On this second screen you will select “Pay at Lojas Americanas”. This way, a code will be generated, very similar to a barcode, and you will show this code to the cashier, who, in turn, will scan the code on your device and your purchase will soon be completed. Just that and nothing more.

How to start using Ame Digital?

If you no longer have any doubts about the great advantages of this digital wallet, then go to the app store of your choice (Apple Store or Google Play), download, install and register at Ame Digital: Digital Wallet to start enjoying all the benefits mentioned here.

However, if after these explanations you still have any doubts, that's okay, there's no problem. That's because Ame has a help Center specifically for answering questions. There you will find everything you need to know about their universe. Access the official website, type in your question and get it answered.

O is always here to present the best tips on advantages and benefits offered in the financial market. All this because we have a serious commitment to publicize, without “fine print”, the opportunities that companies are offering in the very competitive financial world. Share!

About the author

Alan Deiró

A convinced Christian and lover of the challenges of human relationships, Alan Deiró intentionally maintains conservative biblical values as his life principles.